Requires iOS 4.2 or higher
Receive a $ 0.50 discount on this purchase if you have already bought RestoreTab for Safari
Do you know japanese web browser “Sleipnir” ? (available AppStore)
Sleipnizer provide hi-speed browsing like Sleipnir’s features for Safari!
No more waiting time for open link, move tab, close tab, restoretab, scroll and more.[/align]
Sleipnizer include 2 features.
2.OneHand Specialization Gestures
OpenTabBG : When hold link, open tab background instead of show actionsheet.
OneHand Gestures : Provide “L” letter gesture function like desktop browser right click gesture
Includes a SBSettings toggle for OpenTabBackground+
No new icons are created for your homescreen.
Configure options from Settings app

- Fix Improved FindOnPage behavior.
- Fix freeze issue of alert() JSAction with ActionPanel.
- Fix freeze issue of alert() JSAction with ActionPanel.
- Add ActionPanel feature for iOS 6+
- Bug fixed
Receive a $ 0.50 discount on this purchase if you have already bought RestoreTab for Safari
Do you know japanese web browser “Sleipnir” ? (available AppStore)
Sleipnizer provide hi-speed browsing like Sleipnir’s features for Safari!
No more waiting time for open link, move tab, close tab, restoretab, scroll and more.[/align]
Sleipnizer include 2 features.
2.OneHand Specialization Gestures
OpenTabBG : When hold link, open tab background instead of show actionsheet.
OneHand Gestures : Provide “L” letter gesture function like desktop browser right click gesture
Includes a SBSettings toggle for OpenTabBackground+
No new icons are created for your homescreen.
Configure options from Settings app

- Fix Improved FindOnPage behavior.
- Fix freeze issue of alert() JSAction with ActionPanel.
- Fix freeze issue of alert() JSAction with ActionPanel.
- Add ActionPanel feature for iOS 6+
- Bug fixed
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