sn0wbreeze v2.9.14
What is New?
2.9.14: After Cydia’s mishap with aptickets from 6.0 –> 6.1.2 (causing soft-dfu loops), sn0wbreeze now includes an apticket validation. It will verify the apticket after browsing for iOS5+ blobs in iFaith mode.
2.9.14: Added tethered support for A4 devices on iOS 6.1.3 (3GS old bootroms are untethered as usual).
2.9.14: After Cydia’s mishap with aptickets from 6.0 –> 6.1.2 (causing soft-dfu loops), sn0wbreeze now includes an apticket validation. It will verify the apticket after browsing for iOS5+ blobs in iFaith mode.
2.9.14: Added tethered support for A4 devices on iOS 6.1.3 (3GS old bootroms are untethered as usual).
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