Easy For You To Envy (EZ4U2NV) for iOS5 and iOS4 . Almost 3 months in the making and my Twelvth theme created. Gives you an insite on how much i enjoy this. How does EZ4U2NV compare to my other themes It doesn’t compare to any theme. One of a kind more detail than i’ve every seen in any theme. From the animated Lockscreen/Clock/WeatherWidget A springboard that is a work of art also including a weather widget and a picture slideshow My favorite part is the UI that will have you staring at it in awe. Complete theme as usual all your stock apps themed. Mail Sms Phone Calendar Calculator Compass Safari Clock Camera Etc. Also being uploaded to Cydia is Color Keyboard and SBSettings. I would have added them to this package but size was an issue. Search EZ4U2NV and you will see these packages along with any other I upload. (Alt Springboard and Color Mods Coming Soon) Words can only say so much so scroll down and check ou t the screenshots. Instructions to the theme are located in var/stash/themes/EZ4U2NV and any folder that has to do with EZ4U2NV. Would love to hear your feedback or any concerns you have with this theme. My Twitter is JunesIphone Thank You)
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